Fanny Alloing molds bodies she treats like chrysalises, barks, human beings emptied of their substance.
She prints her moldings in plaster with thin and successive layers of earthenware then burns them with a chemical raku process.
It results from its expressive but ghostly volumes. They seem to have suffered from the fire, that damaged them and emptied of their contents, while their shape becomes simultaneously spectral and tangible. There is nothing much left, no more than a thin bark, as a scabbed and fragile transformed skin, a kind of protection against emptiness…
The metaphor of the human condition, the difficulty freeing yourself from your own limits, Fanny Alloing’s works take all their meaning when they are accompanied with her video triptych showing a feminine body trying to release herself from strips that lock her.
Louis Doucet, vice-president of MAC2000
Graphic design : Célia Delaleu