« What left of angels », she says about her sculptures, imprints of disappeared bodies, which ran away.
Suspended, they float, unreal , white, and empty.
For some years, Fanny Alloing applies to grasp the rustle of the angels.
She says ” I love people and I am each of them “. The molding is an essential moment, a decisive time, silent exchange and requires concentration.
Pure forms, without motion, bodies appear slowly, spotless, opened.
Immobile, pale faces, without a glance.
Unmoved, at any point disturbed by our excitement, they stay, outside the world but also nearby us, friendly, defenders, guardian angels.
The lightness of materials, plastered strips, silk, paper; let see the skin in transparency, the inside as much as the outside. The deepness discovered behind the appearance.
It deals with the fragility of the human shape; we whisper one “beyond the flesh!”
Given up during a passage on the earth, these white chrysalises might be the envelope of the soul.
A door opened, we are invited to meditate. Noiselessly and with infinite sweetness, we have to contemplate the unknown, the empty space, the vastness to which we belong to.
In the soft light of a small chapel, a peaceful ceremony is offered to our glances. It shows cycles of existence, tells us the passage of time, the transformations of any forms of life.
And if these so quiet and so beautiful, pale sculptures spoke to us simply about the disappearance of bodies, about the inevitable death. Beauty and fragility of the road:” to be and to disappear “.
Cécile Nivet (Headmistress of the gallery “Le Rayon Vert”, Nantes)